Dale A. Miller, Chairman

Dale A. Miller is Tribal Chairman of Elk Valley Rancheria, California and is currently in his 14th year as Chairman. He is also a member of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Fee-to-Trust Consortium and served as the Fee To Trust Consortium Chairman for 10 years; served on the Executive Board for the California Nations Indian Gaming Association; is a member of the North Coast Tribal Chairman’s Association; and is Vice-Chairman for the Border Coast Regional Airport Association. Mr. Miller also holds memberships with the following associations: Action Del Norte, Physician’s Retention Group, National Congress of American Indians, and National Indian Gaming Association. He serves as Chairman of the 1999 Compact Tribes Steering Committee. Prior to serving as Chairman, Mr. Miller also served as a Gaming Commissioner for Elk Valley Rancheria, California.
While serving as Chairman for Elk Valley Rancheria, Mr. Miller was largely involved and shares in the success of bringing the Tribe’s fee land into trust status for purposes of building a new casino/destination resort. He is currently working with his Tribal Council and staff to begin building the new facility which will overlook the Pacific Ocean and is nestled in the Redwoods on beautiful Highway 101. Mr. Miller worked diligently to foster positive liaisons with local, state and national governments in order to make the resort a reality. Additionally, he was recognized for his leadership abilities and nationally honored on February 10, 2009 as “Tribal Leader of the Year” by the Native American Finance Officers Association (NAFOA).
Mr. Miller served in the Navy and performed two tours in Vietnam. He is a Graduate of Tuck School of Business – MBEP and attended CSU Long Beach and Santa Rosa J.C. Mr. Miller has two grown children, a son and a daughter, and has been married to his lovely wife Paula for over 40 years.